Who we are ....
A life-time of experience and a passion for dogs and people who love them
Pawsitive Action Dog Training is a for profit company supporting Pawsitive Action Service dogs, our "sister" non profit organization providing service dogs for veterans. A large number of our pups are donated to Pawsitive Action Service Dogs. Our primary purpose for breeding any of our dogs is to provide quality, well- bred dogs who have the health and temperament to become working service dogs.
Our ability to place service dogs with veterans, free of charge, is completely dependent on donations from our supporters. We are blessed with our females usually having large healthy litters, as a result several of the pups may be available to qualified homes. These pups are not "drop outs" or service dog "failures"

The Founder

Norma J. Ross
Welcome to my little corner of the world. I have been training, raising dogs, showing and working in the animal industry for over 45 years. As part of my retirement I founded a non-profit, Pawsitive Action Service Dogs and fell in love with providing dogs to veterans in need of companionship. I absolutely love what we do and hope to continue for a long time. I am pleased to offer a few pups for adoption to qualified families and individuals.
If you are interested in obtaining a partially or fully trained service dog please contact us at n.ross@pawsitiveaction.org